Saturday 21 January 2012

“For millions of years you have slept. This morning will you not wake?”

Prisoners of Our Own Habitual Thinking - Kabir

There is a moving story told in the East about the
danger of being prisoners of our own habitual thinking:

"While visiting Benares, Kabir always passed by the
same man daily, who was always sitting in his garden. One day, Kabir said to him, 'Good Sir, instead of merely sitting in your garden doing nothing, why not sit in meditation and make spiritual progress?'

"The man replied, 'I have a family. My children are
young, and I cannot find enough time for spiritual
practices now. But I will practice spirituality when
the children grow up.'

"Years later, after the children had grown up,
Kabir met the same man again. 'Now that your
children are older, do you find time for meditation?'

"This time the man responded, 'I am in the process
of getting my children married off so they can live
independently. As soon as they are all married, I will begin my spiritual practices.'

"A few years passed, and Kabir met the man again.
He again inquired about the man's spiritual life. 'Now that your children are married, do you have time for meditation?'

"'My children have grandchildren, and I am watching them grow up, receive an education, and then marry.'

"Some years passed, and Kabir returned to find that the man had passed away. Kabir Sahib shook his head and said, 'The poor man has spent his whole life thinking he would find time for meditation, and passed away without devoting any time to discover his soul. His mind led him into such a deep attachment to this world that he did not take any time for his own meditations.'"

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