Saturday 21 January 2012

“For millions of years you have slept. This morning will you not wake?”

Prisoners of Our Own Habitual Thinking - Kabir

There is a moving story told in the East about the
danger of being prisoners of our own habitual thinking:

"While visiting Benares, Kabir always passed by the
same man daily, who was always sitting in his garden. One day, Kabir said to him, 'Good Sir, instead of merely sitting in your garden doing nothing, why not sit in meditation and make spiritual progress?'

"The man replied, 'I have a family. My children are
young, and I cannot find enough time for spiritual
practices now. But I will practice spirituality when
the children grow up.'

"Years later, after the children had grown up,
Kabir met the same man again. 'Now that your
children are older, do you find time for meditation?'

"This time the man responded, 'I am in the process
of getting my children married off so they can live
independently. As soon as they are all married, I will begin my spiritual practices.'

"A few years passed, and Kabir met the man again.
He again inquired about the man's spiritual life. 'Now that your children are married, do you have time for meditation?'

"'My children have grandchildren, and I am watching them grow up, receive an education, and then marry.'

"Some years passed, and Kabir returned to find that the man had passed away. Kabir Sahib shook his head and said, 'The poor man has spent his whole life thinking he would find time for meditation, and passed away without devoting any time to discover his soul. His mind led him into such a deep attachment to this world that he did not take any time for his own meditations.'"

Sunday 15 January 2012

True Simran Practice in the Sant Tradition 
(This article is taken from "spiritual Awakening Radio by By James Bean" and is not blog owners own creation)

The Many Names of the Nameless (Anami), Soundless (Anadi) One 

The Nameless God has been given many names over the centuries. There are countless divine names used in various schools of spirituality. Some are given "The Five Names" (panch naam) consisting of five holy names of God. These are revealed at the time of Initiation into Sant Mat or Shabd Yoga meditation. These same five names have been used for centuries in certain branches of Sant Mat connected with Kabir and Sant Dharam Das, Sant Dariya Sahib, Sant Tulsi Sahib, and Sant Radhasoami Sahib. Others have been given five Sufi names of God at the time of Initiation into Surat Shabd Yoga meditation. These five Sufi or Islamic names have the same essential meaning as the five Indian names used in Sant Mat, and, as with the Indian names, also correspond to five basic inner regions. (In one of the Jewish Gnostic paths of antiquity, a group known as the Sethians, there was also a five-named or panch naam mantra approach, only with five Hebrew names. Those were associated with certain heavenly regions: Harmoz-el, Oroia-el, Daveithai, El-eleth, and another word meaning, the "Self-Begotten One".) Others are given the name RADHASOAMI (Rad-da-Swam-e, "Soul-Lord" or "Lord of the Soul") to use in simran practice along one's journey though all of the various states and stages within. Other Sant Mat lineages use a two-syllabled sacred word revealed at the time of Initiation, and it represents a name for the Soundless One, the Most High God.

  In the classic bhajans and banis of the Sants of India appear numerous names of God. One can read verses exhorting devotees to repeat many names of the Formless One: 

"Repeat the Name of Raam".
"Repeat the Name of Radhaswami".
"Repeat the Name of Hari".
"Repeat the Name of Govinda".
"Repeat the Name of Vitthala".
"Repeat the Name of Allah".
"Repeat the Name of HOO (HU)".

     Many names have used by various Sants: Param-Atma, Hari, Alakh, Allah, Raam or Rama, Rahim, Agam, Purushotama, Khuda, Gobind, Panduranga, Pandhari, Vitthala, Narayana, Vitthoba, Sat Purusha, etc... Some of these names are used by Hindu paths too, and have different meanings. As Sant Dariya Sahib once said: 

"Consider the four meanings of Ram, 
The first Ram (1) is our inner self. 
Parashu-ram (2) is said to be the second one. 
The third one lived in Dasharath's (3) home.
The fourth Ram is the Primeval Sat Purush (4)
"ek raam dashrath ka beta, ek raam ghat ghat me leta
ek raam ka sakal pasara, ek raam sabhu se nyara" 
- This saying of Guru Kabeer sahib is included in 
Guru Granth sahib by Guru Nanak Dev ji 
along with hundreds of his other verses. 
Call Him (Sat Purush) Ram or call Him Naam, 
Ram and Naam are one. 
Both are mutually indistinguishable; 
Satguru's Sound Current reveals this wisdom."
1.The Life Principle that pervades everywhere, permeating, witin all.
2.Parashu-ram, the son of Sage Jamadagni, is regarded as the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
3.Ancient king of Ayodhya, the father of Ram. Rama: the seventh incarnation of Vishnu and the hero of the great epic Ramayana (Adventures of Rama).
4.The Nirguna or Formless Raam, All-Spirit. ("Dariya Sahib, Saint of Bihar", K.N. Upadhyaya, Mystics of the East Series)
 For the Sants of the East, all names of the One God represent the Nameless, Formless (Nirguna) God of Love and Compassion Who is Timeless (Akal), Spirit, and Eternal (Sat).

The True Spirit of Simran Practice is Bhakti 

"Simran" is a term which means "Remembrance", the spiritual practice of remembering or being mindful of God by repeating his Name. Devotees sing or chant various names for God. Higher spiritually, and more "within" is the practice of "manas jap", the mental repetition of God's name or names "with the tongue of thought" - in other words, chanting names of God within one's mind. The Sants have always placed much greater emphasis upon mental Simran over vocal chant.

     There is however, more to Simran than the repeating of sacred names. Simran must be approached with the right attitude, the right spirit, for one's intent determines how successful the practice will be, and what effect it will have upon one's consciousness. Simran has never been intended to be a dry or lifeless mantra practice. The path of the Sants is a bhakti path, a path of love and devotion for the Supreme Being. Thus, the true Masters have always instructed their students to repeat God's Name with love and devotion, as a lover calling out to one's Beloved, the Lord of Love.

Guru Kabir 
Keep your mind ever engrossed in the Name of the Lord 
As the lover's mind is ever engrossed in his beloved. 
He never forgets her for a single moment - 
Through day and night he remembers her. 

Happiness rests in ever-repeated simran, 
Sorrow and suffering is removed by simran. 
Kabir declares with utmost force and clarity: 
Practise this simran and be one with the Lord. 
(Kabir - The Great Mystic, by Isaac A. Ezekiel)

     What, then, is the practice of the Name? It is a form of interior prayer by which a person learns to keep his or her attention always in the Lord, in every circumstance and situation, at all moments, through day and night. It is a form of inner remembrance that leads to a heightened awareness beyond the limitations of the physical world and the portals of death.

     Through meditation on the Name, or Nam bhakti, one learns to draw one's attention away from the outer world.

Sant Namdev 
Always be in rapport with the Lord
And enjoy true contentment - 
This is the state of ineffable serenity.
There is no peace except in the Name of the Lord -
Meditate on it with one-pointed attention. 

Experience the state of superconsciousness 
Where the Lord's love surges 
And you will see your own form 
In each particle of the creation. 

0 Nama, the Lord will make 
The pupil of your eye his home,
And your eye will expand 
To contain the entire universe. 
(Saint Namdev, Mystics of the East Series)

The Simran of God's Name 
Will Lead One to the True Name: The Sound of God 

     The repetition of the holy Names is the truest spiritual technique. An uninterrupted inner repetition of the holy Names given by the living Master has to be practiced daily with love, devotion, and one- pointed attention. One thereby transcends one's body and is transported to the realms of Light.

     The repetition develops into an ever-going spontaneous process, and one catches the unceasing inner Music which takes one to its Source, and reveals God face to face. One is, therefore, exhorted to search daily for the Source of this Unstruck Music. Whatever one does and wherever one happens to be, one is asked to be a sacrifice unto His Name and to have ardent longing to behold Him and hear His voice.

Sant Dadu Dayal 
From within, the indwelling Lord Himself 
     tells me. 
"The repetition of My Name alone 
     is true; all else is delusion." 

The Name, the essential Truth of the 
     three worlds, alone is efficacious. 
     0 Dadu. 
With discrimination, repeat it exclusively 
     day and night, 0 mind. 

At every breath be devoted to it, and 
     thy Beloved will meet thee one day. 
Repetition is the path leading to bliss; 
thus hath the Master explained. 

Be dedicated to God moment by moment, 
     even if thou art to lose thy life. 
No other way is there to support 
     the self. 

Who is that ill-fated one preaching some 
     other means? 
Without the Name, tell me, where can 
     one find a foothold? asketh Dadu. 

Let not the Name be separated for 
     a moment from within thy heart, 
     0 Dadu. 
Millions have been purified by 
     repeating God's Name alone. 

Be dedicated to God while the body 
     is in good condition, 
Else later on, when the body and mind 
     are worn out, thou shalt repent, 
     sayeth Dadu. 

The whole world is full of poison; rarely 
     someone is free from it, 0 Dadu. 
He alone will be free from poison 
     who is steeped in the Name 
     of the Supreme Lord.

Repeat the Name with the pang of 
     separation, and sing its glory with 
     love and devotion. 
Fix thy mind in repetition with joy and 
     dedication, 0 Dadu. 

While speaking or listening, giving 
     or taking, eating or drinking, 
Repeat the Name of God at all times, 
     0 Dadu, thus shalt the self rest 
     in the inner lotus. 
(Encyclopedia of Saints of India, Volume 25: Sant Dadu Dayal)

Friday 13 January 2012

 जय गुरुदेव नाम प्रभु का !

विश्व के जिन जिन सन्तों ने उस परम अध्यात्मिक पद की प्राप्ति है उन सबका सामान्य मत "संतमत" कहलाता है ! संतमत एक स्वाभाविक विज्ञान है! वे संत उस प्रभु जो सबका मालिक है उसकी आज्ञा से इस धरती पर जन्म लेते हैं और आवागमन के बंधन से जकड़े हुए जीवों को "नाम" के अभ्यास द्वारा मुक्ति दिलाना और उस परमधाम वापस ले जाना ही उनका लक्ष्य होता है! पर आज की चकाचौंध भरी जिन्दगी में आत्मिक चेतना प्रदान कर मुक्ति के पथ पर लगाने वाले संत बहुत कम हैं! एक ऐसे ही महान संत बाबा जयगुरुदेव जी महाराज हैं! उनका जन्म उत्तर प्रदेश के एक छोटे से गाँव में हुआ! बचपन में ही माता पिता का साया छिन गया और बचपन से ही सच्चे गुरु की तलाश में भटकते रहे! 
अंत में उत्तर प्रदेश की इगलास तहसील जिला अलीगढ के गाँव चिरौली में पं. घूरेलाल शर्मा जि से ज्ञान प्राप्त कर साधना में लग गए और सन 1952 से आज तक भी भारत के छोटे छोटे गाँवों से लेकर बड़े बड़े शहरों में जाकर परमार्थ का प्रचार कर सोये हुए जीवों को जगाने का कार्य कर रहे हैं! इन्होने कई करोड़ माया मोह के अन्द्कार में डूबे जीवों को नाम दान देकर अध्यात्मिक चेतना प्रदान की है! 
छोटे बड़े, अमीर गरीब सब इनके चरणों में बैठ, भेदभाव भूल कर इनके सत्संग का लाभ उठाया है! इनका तेजस्वी स्वरुप और प्रभावशाली व्यक्तित्व लोगों को अपने आप ही इनकी ओर खींच लेता है! इनके एक बार का दर्शन भी लोगों को अंतिम समय तक याद रहता है! स्वामी जि अपने सत्संग में सुनाते हैं की हमारी आत्मा, soul ,रूह उस मालिक , जो आनंद , जीवन और शक्ति का सागर है, की एक बूँद है जो करोड़ों युगों पहले अलग हुई और यहाँ दुखी है क्योंकि यह उसका देश नहीं है ! यह जब तक अपने पुरातन घर नहीं लौटती तब तक इसके दुःख पीडाओं का अंत नहीं हो सकता! उस घर का रास्ता ना कहीं बाहर है ना कभी किसी को बाहर मिला है! वह रास्ता तो इसी शरीर रुपी मंदिर से जाता है!
यह मानव मंदिर एक किराए का मकान है और स्वांसों की पूँजी ख़त्म हो जाने पर खाली करना पड़ेगा! केवल ऐसे संत फकीर की जरूरत है जो वहां आता जाता हो! स्वामी जी वह रास्ता जिसे नामदान कहते हैं, भी बताते हैं जिसमे  रोज केवल 1  - 2  घंटे अभ्यास करके हम इसी मानव जीवन में प्रभु का दर्शन दीदार कर सकते हैं और अपने सच्चे धाम अपने घर भी पहुँच सकते हैं !
परमात्मा की प्राप्ति के लिए स्वामी जी द्वारा बताया गया रास्ता वाही है जो ईसा मसीह, कबीर साहिब, पलटू जी, दादू, तुलसी साहिब, मौलाना रूमी, शम्स तब्रेज़, हाफ़िज़, मुजादीद अल फसानी और दुनिया के अन्य संतों ने बताया था! वेदों में इसे ही "अनहद मार्ग" कहा जाता है, मुसलमान फ़कीर इसे "सुलतान-उज-अजकार" कहते हैं और बाइबल में इसी को "word" या "logas" कहा जाता है! भारतीय संत इसे "सुरत शब्द योग" कहते  हैं! 
जय गुरुदेव!

Wednesday 11 January 2012

जय गुरुदेव नाम प्रभू का!  
बाबा जयगुरुदेव जी का पावन सन्देश

जय गुरुदेव समाचार

(kindly note message is recd from and not created by blog owner himself) 

बाबा जयगुरूदेव जी महाराज अपने काफिले के साथ अहमदाबाद शहर से थोड़ा
हटकर डेरा जमाए हुए हैं। आज सत्संगी भाई सतीशजी ने लोगों को बाबाजी के
सत्संग संदेशों को सुनाया। कहावत चरितार्थ हो रही है किः.
जहां राम वहं अवध निवासू।
   बाबाजी ने दूसरा सतयुग आगवन साकेत महायज्ञ इसी अहमदाबाद में साबरमती
नदी के किनारे 25 दिसम्बर 1977 से 5 जनवरी 1978 तक किया था जिसमें तैंतीस
करोड़ देवता उपस्थित थे। किसी के दिल.दिमाग में वहां का नक्शाए जन
उपस्थिती का नहीं था। एक महात्मा के इशारे पर असंख्य जनसमूह आया था यह
सबके लिए हैरत की बात थी। यज्ञ में उपस्थित 33 करोड़ देवाताओं ने जनता की
खुशहाली के लिए प्रस्ताव भी पास किए जिसकी घोषणा बाबाजी ने की थी।

बाबाजी ने यह भी कहा था कि यदि कोई शासक जनता को खुशहाल बनाना चाहता
है तो दिल्ली की गद्दी पर बैठकर खुशहाल नहीं बना सकता है। गांधी महात्मा
चूक गए हम चूकने वाले नहीं हैं। गांधीजी के केवल राजनीति के साथ जुड़े थे
और हम धर्म के साथ चलकर काम करेंगे। धर्म सबमें एक है.एक आत्मा हैए एक
परमात्मा है। इस बात को सोचना.विचारना है। अद्वितीय परिवर्तन होगा। सारे
विश्व के लोग भारत भूमि को सिजदा करने लगेंगे। सतयुग भारत में स्थापित
होगा। सारे विश्व को यहाँ की विभूतियाँ नचाया करती थीं वहीं वक्त आने
वाला है। चीनए अमेरिकाए रूस नहीं बचेंगे तो छोटे.मोटे मुल्कों का क्या घ्
भारत की भौतिक प्रगतिए आध्यात्मिक प्रगति को देखकर विश्व के लोग दांतों
तले उंगली दबायेंगे। भारत औतारी शक्तियों का केन्द्र ऐसा बनेगा कि सारा
विश्व यहां के लोगों को गुरू मानने लगेगा। मैं यह जानता हूँ कि हमारी
बातें लोगों को अटपटीए उल्टी मालूम होती हैं। महात्माओं की भाषा जल्दी
समझ में नहीं आतीए निकट में आने पर समझ में आने लगती हैं।
मैंने देवताओं से प्रार्थना की और कहा कि भारत का सम्मान होना चाहिए।
उन्होंने प्रस्ताव पास कर दिया। विदेश मंत्री उपस्थित थे। मैंने उनसे भी
कहा कि आप एक हो जाइये जो जनता को वचन दिया है। अगर कोई वचन से हटता है
तो आप समझ लीजिए कि महान आत्माओं का प्रादुर्भाव होगा। वो महान आत्मायें
शासन की बागडोर सम्हाल लेंगी फिर चाहे राज्य किसी को दें। रावण मारकर
राज्य एकबारगी किसी को दिया जा सकता है। देवताओं ने प्रस्तावों पर दस्तखत
कर दिया है। 

जय गुरुदेव I 

Tuesday 10 January 2012

About His Holiness Baba Jai gurudev ji: 115 Years Old Baba Ji is propagating the Message of Spirituality since 1952. Till date he has facilitated many in witnessing the divine light and divine sound. His concept is based on Saintism and involves internal love towards the Supreme Power.
He initiates those souls who wish to see the divine creation real time that remains unseen through these worldly eyes. This stage is known as Moksha or self actualization and takes away fear of Death for ever.
His Request to Mankind: Nature is all set to bring upon an unprecedented change on this Planet. It will result in death of Millions and Millions across the Globe. If you want to be saved from before time Death please adapt Vegetarian Food habits and refrain from intake of Non-Veg, Alcoholic beverages & Eggs.
Please be Merciful to the other creations of GOD
Note: All old Prophesies by Baba Jai gurudev issued in the interest of Mankind have turned out to be real.

This great Powerful Saint Baba Jai Gurudev has been preaching for upliftment of soul through his religious discourses under the name of "JAI GURUDEV" which is the name of God. This Great Saint attributes the present state of humanity to the five-fold inner weaknesses of man : i.e. lust, anger, greed, attachment and egoism. The Saint is therefore busy day by day in what He calls "The reconstruction of the real temple - Human Body", a job which only a great powerful Saint can do.
Baba Jai Gurudev has initiated crores of people providing them the missing link between the Holy Spirit and its source. Through his discourses he has always been making people realize the real purpose of human life. According to him originally we have descended from the highest region.
Now we have again attained the human form after passing millions of ages in the lower species of life. We should therefore utilise this human body to the fullest extent and for the very purpose for which it is extended.
Baba Jai Gurudev reveals that the objective of getting this valuable gift is to know ourselves and our creator and return to our original Home, the ocean of Eternal Peace & Bliss, free from all pain & miseries . Hence this is the golden opportunity with us to attain God. Babaji reveals that human body is made up of five basic elements, namely earth, fire, water, air and sky. This is the only form that has got the power to think and reason. It is only while in this human form that we can set foot on this Glorious Path. No other living creation of God has this ability. In this very form one can meditate and attain salvation. Even the angels long for the human form for this very reason.
Human Body is the supreme creation of God, only because in this very form meditation is possible. Other species cannot follow because they don't have all the five elements present in human body. Other species come on this earth only to pass their period of survival for their wrong deeds while in human form. Souls have to undergo lot of pain for the deeds done while being in human form. HELL is the prison for wrong deeds and HEAVEN for the good deeds. Only great Saints with highly elevated souls can see these two places. This is the reason why these Saints time and again come on this earth to guide and show the right path to human beings.
God has kept a treasure in human body. Only the true spiritual master knows the place. It is with his grace that the inner door of the treasure is revealed and opened.
He opens the Divine Eye within. The God resides in our body, but it is our mind and ego which have drawn a blinding veil between us and our creator. The veil can be lifted and pierced only with the help of a Perfect Master.
Baba Jai Gurudev in his discourses has always made people realize that this human body is a rented house for a meaningful purpose of achieving the Divine in a limited period of time. It is the abode of Lord himself. It is only when the soul unites with the Lord, that we can win the eternal bliss.
This is the reason why Baba Jai Gurudev always insisted in his discourses to be vegetarian, as this is necessary thing to follow spiritualism. This temple should be absolutely clean and pious. If we eat good natural vegetarian food, the thoughts will be clean, soft and pious. And, if we add blood and flesh of other species, the basic physical form of human body will be disturbed and the thoughts will be defiled.
Since human form is extended for this very purpose, it is necessary for human beings to understand and preserve its sanctity, then only one can understand and practice spiritualism. People of every country will have to learn HINDI language to understand spirituality.
So being in human body let people make use of this temple to unite with the ultimate. This is possible only through such Saints who have attained the height of Spirituality.Baba Jai Gurudev preaches the same way to the God thru "Nam yog Sadhana"
What testimony else could there be to Sainthood except the Saint’s own being and his capacity to inspire, guide and then initiate the seekers in the quest of Divine. Therefore, let everyone seek the shelter of the Saint of the ERA for the future guidance and spiritualism.